One Word At A Time.

Photo credit: Etienne Girardet

If no one else has told you today: thank you for taking the time and energy to be wholeheartedly true to who you are. You’re the only one who can be you and someone will always appreciate you for showing up every day as the best version of yourself.

This blog is an expression of the Rhode Island community and how Ting Barnard interacts with the abundant amount of people who are part of it. There is amazing work being done in this state and this is one more way to shine a light on the community heroes who strive for a better world.

I am hoping to do the same, one word at a time.

With all that being said:

Any views or opinions aside from facts expressed in any blog posts on this site are solely of the author’s and do not reflect the viewpoints of Ting Barnard, Ting Barnard’s Studio as a company, or any affiliates who support them. Opinions stated by the author are as well-informed, and well-intentioned, as possible at the moment of posting. Each post will have the author listed at the by-line on top, as well as on the bottom with their contact information. If ever any questions, comments, or concerns, direct them to the author of the blog post which is being addressed.

Happy reading!


One name like Prince. Miracle worker. Father of a better me.


Ting Barnard Connects with the CSEA and Speaks About Philanthropy, Entrepreneurship & Servant Leadership.